I'm actually glad I'm a little behind on this great show cause this way I got to see season one and two without a nervewracking break.
Anyone who hasn't seen this show yet (or any of the above mentioned) I greatly recommend it!
And one scene of this brilliant series inspired me to try my luck with stenciling on fabric. I had bought fabric paint awhile ago, but never got to use it until now.
My first stencil was made from cardboard, but the letters were a little hard to cut out.
So I tried to connect the letters, so that it was a piece stencil. Not the best looking outcome.
But good enough for the door mat! You can kinda tell what the letter in the boxes are saying, but only in the flashlight... The message is clear, anyways. The door is locked!
Next try with an adhesive foil. That looks much better! We'll try that on a t-shirt then!
I mixed blue and red fabric paint with silver acrylic paint. I hope it'll still stay in place after washing. The important part is to iron it before wearing it for the first time.
I think this turned out very nice! Nice and shiny.
PS: Check out all these funky geeky crafts at the Nerd'n'Geek Linkparty <3