I've been meaning to make a sweater for myself with the tutorial I got from the Partywoods Sweater Workshop and a couple of months ago I finally found a fabric that was awesome enough for me. Bats! I love bats! Even got a tattoo of a bat on my back.
To make the sweater I recycled a merch hoodie that I got for free at my work. I took it apart and was able to use the arms as a whole and I pieced together some of the reast for the top and bottom hem.
Now to the technical stuff:
Since the hoodie that I recycled had normal arms and the sweater tutorial I had was for a raglan sweater I had to figure out how to alter the pattern to make a functional sweater.
I decided to make the neckline a lot more wide than the original sweater which I used as a template to make my new design. Also the sleeves were much more baggy than the original ones, so I turned them into a slight bat wing sleeves. I thought that was fitting for the fabric.
Since the sleeves were more wide I made the body a little wider as well and also longer, just cause I like to cover my butt.
After I cut out all of the right pieces I put it together with sewing pins and tried it on before sewing to see if it would fit. Sewing pins are so much easier to handle, I've poked myself a bunch when putting it together with needles. Luckily it fit great, so I sewed it all up and added the hems top and bottom.
And this is how it turned out:
Thankfully Anne from Partywoods helped me with these fantastic photos. We met on Tempelhofer Feld and had so much fun together doing this silly photoshoot.
<3 <3 <3 This lady is so creative. Everything she's wearing is handmade!
I've always admired her fantastic outdoor photography. Especially whe she's climbing on basically everything she comes across. So I tried my luck and climbed this birch tree.
It was scary as shit! I don't know how she does it :P
Here's some more pictures from the urban gardening part of Tempelhofer Feld.
Haha, that was it. We had loads of fun doing this shoot and I think the results are fairly awesome when you consider I could barely keep a straight face and not laugh the entire time.
So that's why there were a ton of outtakes, here are some of my favorite ones: