Jul 14, 2014

Chili Con Thread

Just a little (late) update in the home and food department. Our chili tree from last year produced a bunch of little chili peppers and I was looking for a good way to hang them up to dry, but also make the look pretty and add to our kitchen interior design.
So I harvested all the chili peppers and used needle and thread to make them into a silly little chili garland, which I then taped to our kitchen shelves.

They're just looking too cute all hanging in a row up there. But don't be fooled! They're feisty little beasts full of spicyness. I like to put them in various dishes, like carrot or pumpkin soup or my favorite hummus recipe from Atilla Hildmann's Vegan For Fit.
Spice up you life and craft on!
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