May was full of healthy foods in preparation for the wedding. Then there was wedding cake, which is not healthy. And then there was a healthy cake for Mother's Day. It was a vegan, sugar-free and low carb jogurt tangerine tarte and my mom said it was eatible...

There was even more wedding decoration crafting and we received our very first Loot Chest. Also my brother's neighbours have baby ducks as pets, so cute!

We prepared some more for the Zombie Run and then we ran in the Zombie Run! We ran away from Zombies and over some obstacles for 5km. We made it, but we didn't survive it. Want to know more about the Zombie Run? I might write a blog post about it eventually.

In preparation for the wedding my mom, one of my bridesmaids and I attended a Dawanda workshop to make flower crowns for me and all the bridesmaids. They turned out quite beautifully I might say.

Crafting makes hungry. So when my girls came round to make wedding decorations with me we prepared a lovely brunch and then another.
Relly loving the balcony in the warmer weather. And Ryan the Raspberry grew and grew.

Gigs in May:
- Bill Bailey at the Quatsch Comedy Club, loved him in Black Books, QI, Nevermind the Buzzcocks and he's a brilliant stand up comedian as well. 5/5 bazooka points for hilariousness
- Sheppard acoustic gig at the office, their song Geronimo is pretty awesome! 4/5 bazooka points for Australians paying respects to 11 ;)
- LORDE at Columbiahalle, just... no words... she's pretty great. 5/5 bazooka points for being herself.