I bought these metal poles for tiered cake stands on amazon a while a gon and then started to look for cheap plates to potentially ruin and break in attempt to drill a hole in them. That proved to be very hard a I didn't have a drill for porcelain. I finally bought one at the hardware store last weekend and have been busy drilling away all week. It's quite annoying as you have to stop after a few second of drilling because the drill and the plate gets too hot from the friction.
But then I finally did it! The plates were slightly different colours, so I spray painted them.. Not the prettiest cake stand, but now I can get some nice plates to make a proper one.
This lampshade was made by my mom and me last spring inspired by the Luna 5 project by Handmade Kultur, a german DIY magazine. My mom crocheted the pentagon and I cut out the hexagons and sewed it all together to make a globe shape. We then bought a round balloon (not one of those egg-shaped ones) and a laundry stiffener. Blew up the balloon around the lampshade and applied the stiffener. It wasn't a very good stiffener, but I wanted it up and so it's been hanging around like a limpy sack.
But not anymore! I got some new extra strong stiffener and washed the old stuff off. And there we have it, a perfectly round shape and hard as an eggshell!
Alright, I'm off to see The Hobbit again. This time in 2D.. let's see if it still has that soap opera feel to it. See ya!