We'll start with the pots. You might remember these from our Thanksgiving Feast, they were used to bake flower pot bread. They've been hanging around since then.
This is how you start. Grab some paint you can spare/waste and dump it on the flower pots.
Then take however many different paints and dump them on there as well. (Be careful, it's super fun, so I wasted a bunch of paint) Try not to cover the lower paint completely, and maybe leave some of the pot untouched as well.
There you go. Now let it dry (forever, because I used way too much paint). Notice all the wasted paint on the bottom of the pan? I used that to create the paper "art" for the Spring wreath. I just couldn't let all that paint go to waste, especially cause it's looking pretty cool down there.
I skipped a step here. The pot needed to be covered with clear laquer, because I used water soluble paint. If I didn't the paint would dissolve once I watered the plants inside.
Now for the planting. I prepared the lemon seeds a while ago and put the in the pot covering them with an inch of soil.
So messy! That's what happens, when you feel like springtime, all planting and stuff, and it's snowing outside.
Here's the coffee filter sitting in the pot before putting the soil in, so the soil doesn't come through the hole on the bottom. So practical.
And they're done. Took long enough.. all the painting and drying. They took place on our window sill in the bedroom.
Side to side with my small eucalyptus tree.
Now it's time to wait for little lemon plants to sprout! I'll give you a heads up when that happens.