Jun 16, 2013

Make Munich Report Part II: T-Shirt Printing & Soap Molding

Finally the second and last part of the Make Munich Report! Check out Part I about 3D Printing here. Make Munich was not only about 3D printing and technology hacks, they also had a good selection of crafty establishment from Munich like the HUIJ, an open workshop in Westend or the Werkbox, close to Ostbahnhof where you can even build you own screen printer in a workshop.

I was able to try out one of those screen printers and printed the logo of the Make Munich Fair. It's quite interesting really how a screen printer works and I would love to own one someday so I can stop cutting out stencils!

The HUIJ Team had two stations at the fair, one for clothes upcycling and one for soap molding. Of course I had to try out both!
This is a shirt I brought to print on, they had shirt to buy and print on as well, but I came prepared. First I put a piece of newspaper in the shirt, so the print doesn't go through to the backside.

They had stamps made out of cardboard and I picked this lovely moustache stamp and a hot pink. The last person to use this stamp had left me a gift of blue dots, but it was my fault really, I should have cleaned it off right.

What's missing? A monocle, duh!

The soap molding was pretty fun as well. I came prepared to this station as well and brought a cute candy mold. The soap I used was clear and I added red colour and rose fragrance.

They turned out lovely, don't you think? Cute rhino and lion soaps, really to sweet to use, maybe I'll gift them to someone.

So that was the Make Munich, too bad I can't be here for it next time, but I'm sure there is going to be a similar event in Berlin pretty soon.

Here's a small reminder of my Give-Away! You can still enter till June, 30th to win some fun stuff.
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