Shelves are pretty great. They let you store things vertically as high as you want. Since we got rid of most of our furniture in Munich the need for shelves was great. Good thing my brother had these corner shelves lying around. Of course they needed some upcycling.

Once the space for the shelves was picked out I chose a colour to go with our couches and blankets.

The most annoying part about revamping furniture is the preparation. Cleaning the boards and sanding them down.

After that I mixed the paint, a lovely piggy pink in pastel.

Before and after. I'm always amazed what a bit of colour can do to a piece of furniture. The poles were left as they were in a silvery grey which actually matches our window frames.

And here it is in its natural habitat. By now it is hosting our stereo and vinyls and a few other things that are handy to have next to the couches.
Soon I'll write about our big shelf project on the opposite site of the couches, it'll be great!
This post will be part of Nina's Upcycling Tuesday and the Creadienstag.