A couple of weeks ago I was invited by Viking to join them at the Dawanda Snuggery for a DIY Workshop afternoon. This was actually the first official invite to a blogger event I ever got (the Dawanda events don't count, I know too many people there ;). Super exciting! Of course I accepted the invite and looked forward to this event. It was actually on the same weekend as the Pure&Crafted Festival, so I was a little exhausted on that saturday noon after getting to bed at 4am. But I was ready for some crafty goodness nevertheless!
Our hosts didn't just provide us with food and drink, but also three(!) DIY workshops to keep us busy. We were divided into three groups and I started the day with the screenprinting workshop with Druckrausch. We got to print on paper, a folder provided by Viking and a drawstring bag.
Druckrausch provided us with some lovely screenprint stencils to choose from and explained to us step by step how to best roll out the paint, position the stencil and distribute the paint.
Good thing there was a professional photographer at the event, because I always get way too into what I'm doing while crafting, so I totally forget to take pictures of the process. This was definitely the most fun workshop of the day, mainly because it took such a small effort to create something really cool.
These were my finished products:
I especially love the dino/starstuff print <3
Next up was a calligraphy workshop with Jeannette Mokosch.
I used to really enjoy calligraphy as a teenager. Especially because of my passion for The Lord of the Rings, where I would spend hours writing out elvish phrases and drawing maps. Now I rarely have the time or patience to sit down and handwrite. It's a shame really, because concentrating on something like handwriting or colouring can be really therapeutic.
Even our hosts got to try out their skills with the quill.
Practice makes perfect, so we only got to dip a toe into the world of calligraphy in the 1 hour workshop. But we got to take home quill and ink to practice on our own.
This was my handwriting result:
Bit shaky still, but not bad!
Now, to the last workshop: Origami. By now the creative enthousiasm had died down a little on my part as I was running on liquid pick me ups (I still had another evening and night of festival partying ahead of me!).
Here we learned how to make tulip blooms for a chain of lights. Since I didn't intend to actually make a full chain I only folded three blooms and spent the rest of the workshop time showing off my wedding origami ;) If you want to learn how to make these though, check out this video.
The dear Julia from Funkelfaden and Kati from Almost Stylish were much more enthousiastic about this workshop and it shows! Check out their blog posts linked under their names.
These were my feeble attempts:
Cheers again to Viking for this awesome event & to the three girls that made it possible!
All pictures in this blog posts were taken by Jennifer Hoyer.
Proving once again that I am the most photogenic person alive: